So many Money Dommes ramp up the financial domination around Xmas time, but for me, it’s not just about Xmas, it’s about every single day of the year. Every day of the year is Xmas to me. Of course, I want actual Christmas holiday prezzies and tributes, but I want more, so much more. I want to live a life of total luxury and blissful excess. And you, my money slaves, are going to provide it for me. You will make sacrifices for me! Downgrade your lifestyle, dispose of assets, liquidate real estate, sell off toys, to make sure I am completely spoiled. When you wake up every day, the first thought that pops up into your pea brain should be: “What can I do for my Money Goddess Miss Kay today?” I, Miss Kay, already have a beautiful new home paid for by my obedient and generous money slaves and I’ve been decorating my home to my heart’s desire, including outfitting a home recording studio where I craft my hypno mp3s. I also take exotic vacations and go on spendy shopping sprees, all paid for by my money piggies. So when you see a Money Domme demand go up on my blog or on my Twitter, such as to pay for my next vacation or whatever I need to wear on that vacation, it better be fulfilled.
If you haven’t already sent me an Xmas tribute, bought me prezzies from my Amazon Wish List or sent me an Amazon eGiftCard, then get to it now. But remember there are 365 days in a year and Xmas is just one of them!

Today is my birthday and if you haven’t already given me a generous birthday Tribute or sent me eGift Cards, do it now! Stop reading my blog for your amusement and send that Tribute or send a few eGift Cards. And even if you have sent me a birthday Tribute or an eGift Card, then it’s time to send one on my birthday while I’m blowing out my birthday candles. What better icing on my birthday cake than receiving more Tributes and prezzies. You money slaves need to prove your worth with your cash or credit cards. I don’t want to hear any excuses. I have already received quite a few birthday prezzies and Tributes, but I need more! And your purpose is to serve me financially, because you have no other redeeming value in life.
Don’t just email me Happy Birthday unless it comes with money or an eGift Card. It’s time to weed out the broke losers from the true money piggies. So today, you will give more. Maybe I will crown you the top money piggie for giving more than my other pay pigs. That’s why I haven’t updated my blog with dollar amounts of Tributes or prezzies, because doing just a little more than the next money slave, isn’t enough! You must give to excess. My Amazon Wish List is looking a little spare. I need to add more gifts, but I want to see more items purchased today, then I will add more prezzies for Christmas.

Happy Birthday to Me, Miss Kay! My birthday is only 30 days away bitchboys, so get out your credit cards and start spending to make it a very happy birthday for the Money Domme! Click Tribute buttons or buy eGiftCards for me now, be good cash cows. My birthday only comes once a year and that means that once a year you money slaves should go overboard and show your Money Domme how much you appreciate her in your life by giving till you have nothing left to give. Max out your credit cards. Let’s see who the spendiest money piggie will be and who rewards his Financial Domme with the most cash or gift cards.
I’ve been following other Financial Dommes on Twitter, so I know how much their slaves give them on their birthdays. If you are meager and stingy or don’t send a Tribute or buy a Gift Card, you are an embarrassment to me, a failure as a money pig and I will block you on Niteflirt. I have an Amazon Wish List and I expect it to be emptied! Besides, you know how much it thrills you to spend $$$ on me and by thrills, I mean I know it makes your money piggie dickie hard. The more you spend, the more thrills you get, so start gift giving or tributing now!
Calling me on Niteflirt is nice, it’s expected, but spending money on calls does not substitute giving me Gift Cards or sending me Tributes for my birthday. I will be checking my email twice daily and I better see eGiftCards and Amazon purchases rolling in! Spoil me now!