Your wallets are too fat, little piggies. Foot slavery is your destiny. I demand that you bow down to me, bitches, and kiss my perfect, well manicured feet and slide crisp 100 dollar bills between each one of my polished toes! You are so not worthy of my perfection. Beg to be my high heel polisher and shoe closet attendant. See where I keep all my designer shoes? Beg to be locked in my closet where you will sniff the scent of power and money, thousands of dollars that I spent from my money piggies at Zappos and department stores on my shoe collection.
Do you want to lick my heels now? Call me on Niteflirt. The only value in which I hold you is beneath my feet or heels. I will, literally, walk all over you. You are my possession just as my heels are, but I prize them more. How does that feel to know, the foot you paid to kiss and worship is now poised to step on you and walk on you as if you were a doormat. What’s that? You surrender? Good, now show it and spend it on me. Spend it on me while you get hard thinking about my toes tickling your tonsils. Or would you rather give me a foot massage? That will cost extra you money slutboys. I want my money in large bills via Niteflirt tributes so I can spend my money what ever my devious little heart desires. And I also demand eGiftCards to Zappos. Zappos eGiftCards are available up to $1,000 and reflect the epitome of foot slavery. Send to my email address: and enter my name, Kay Sparks, where prompted.
Greed has no limits and I, The Money Domme, want more money now. If you have the cash, I have the perfect way to extract it from you. You know nothing exhilarates you more than giving up the cash to a beautiful dominant Goddess and I found a way to take more cash from you that doesn’t involve giving up a hefty percentage to phone sex websites. You will take your cash to a Green Dot retail location, this means a Walmart, KMart, Radio Shack, drugstores: CVS, RiteAid, Walgreen’s, or supermarkets: Kroger, Ralphs, Meijer. Little will anyone know the cash you have is destined for your Goddess Miss Kay, although the whole time your dick will be hard just thinking about giving me this cash in a Money Pak. It’s simple, you hand over the cash and you get a Green Dot Money Pak. There is a Green Dot number on the card, a code you will give ME via email to, which I will apply to my Green Dot account, so I can spend your cash on whatever my wicked heart desires. Or you can also be granted the privilege of speaking live to ME, your Money Domme, Miss Kay if you pay ME.
You can buy a Green Dot Money Pak with up to $500 in cash. Yes! You can send ME Cash Tributes. But wait, it gets even better. Walmart will let you get up to an $1,000 Green Dot Money Pak! That’s more like it, pay piggies! Tribute Miss Kay, The Money Domme, now.

It’s Christmas in July for Miss Kay and you will either be playing Santa by helping me celebrate this sizzling hot weather holiday with some cool prezzies from my Amazon Wish List! …Or if you’re a little piggy bank slave, then you will get clicky and send me triple digit Tributes. …Or if you’re a Financial Domination slut, then you will be playing one or all of my Financial Domination Games and drain your wallet for me!
Christmas in July is about the spirit of giving to Miss Kay, because you know I deserve everything I want! I’ve expanded by Amazon Wish List tor this holiday month and nothing will excite me more than to see items on my Wish List showing as “Purchased” and knowing that in a few days thereafter, the UPS truck will be pulling up with my special gifts from you. And also, you know it will excite
you to give presents or money to your Goddess.
In ancient times, worshipful admirers bestowed gifts to their favorite Goddess at her temple, so you will be carrying on in the historical tradition of worshiping a powerful, supreme Goddess and gifting her as she demands. Often, cataclysmic events were blamed on angry Goddesses who had not been shown enough Tribute! So make this the best Xmas in July for Miss Kay, ever…Don’t disappoint me as I know other Flirts are raking in the prezzies and Tributes.
So click on my Amazon Wish List button and buy some gifts to show your devotion or click on one of my Tribute Buttons or play one of my Financial Domination Games now!
Buy my Christmas in July mp3 to find out exactly how to please me for this summer holiday as well as to stroke to my Gift and Tribute instructions. If giving gifts or tributes of money excites you, this mp3 will especially appeal to you. Or if you are intrigued by Goddess or Femdom mind control, this mp3 is a must as I take complete control and give you a mantra that you make you helpless and force you to follow my command!