Listening to this Home Wrecker mp3 recording will be the most mind-dazing thrill you have ever experienced. If you are into financial domination, blackmail, ruination without mercy, this kinky mp3 is for you to listen to, over and over and over. You will find out your pathetic fate as I outline everything that will happen to you when I wreck your life and even what will happen to your wife or girlfriend! You don’t deserve anything you have, so my twisted plan is to take it all from you. And I will also put you into forced slave labor. You will have to earn even more money for me doing the most demeaning jobs. After there is nothing left of your former assets, you are still an asset that can earn for me.
When you watch movies, you are always attracted to the raven haired Femmes Fatales like you see in the Bond films. You know you would be no match if such a villainess captivated you with her sexy charms and devious plans. That villainess is me. I am your nightmare come true. I am not an home wrecking teen brat who has no skills in extracting large sums of money from men. My power is known far and wide. I own a beautiful home in California, an expensive car, I go to Hawaii and other exotic places every year and I go on spendy shopping sprees all the time. This money came from and will continue to come from from weak men who fall for me financially. You could be next after you listen to this devious Home Wrecker mp3 recording. Purchase this file at my store http://Hypnotic-Mistress.com Nite Flirt or http://www.kinkbomb.com/studio/misskay

If your primary desire is to contribute to me financially, and it should be, I will put you a special plan that includes regular tithing, gifts, and more. To begin a financial slavery relationship with me, an initial Tribute is required. And the Tribute has to be impressive or you are just not worth my time. If you are a real money slave, you know that what I’m requesting is obligatory protocol for Financial Servitude. I have devoted money slaves who hold me in highest accord and tithe money to me, give me Tributes, buy me Wish List gifts and even more. So, if you do have the financial wherewithal and the desire to become my money slave, we need to begin our Findomme and money slave relationship.
I will not tolerate late tithings or lack of attention to my Wish List or other breaks from the plan that will be set out for you. The money slave scene is populated with many time-wasters and money slave wannabe’s. If that sounds like you, get lost, I have no time for broke losers. I am here for serious Financial Servitude and for those who show respect in addition to gifting, tithing, etc. Financial Domination is a lifestyle. I live the lifestyle and if you do, too, as a money slave, you will realize that having me as your Findomme will be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
It’s time to begin our Financial Domination lifestyle relationship. Send me that first Tribute now.

My newest Findom hypnosis mp3 centers around a Black Friday theme. Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year and marks the auspicious launch of every holiday shopping season. You will be very busy this upcoming Black Friday, shopping for me, of course. I have expanded my Amazon Wish List with all the gifts you need to buy me. I will also be expecting Tributes and Gift Cards to make this the most memorable holiday for The Money Domme. My Findom hypno file will make you so weak and suggestible, you will find yourself in a daze, a shopping daze that is, as you shop, click on Tribute buttons and send me Gift Cards.
If you enjoy Financial Domination or simply pleasing your Goddess, this is a hypnotic recording you will not want to miss. As a Findomme, I should come before anyone else on your shopping list. You will spoil Miss Kay. If you are feeling resistant while you read this blog post, listening to my new Black Friday hypnosis audio will break down your resistance and trigger you to do exactly what I want. Give in now, click to buy this file and become entranced as a dutiful and spendy money piggie.
I have other Findom erotic hypnosis files for your listening pleasure, so after you listen to this Black Friday file, you can go on a finsub frenzy and buy more files and become my ultimate money slave. I can also produce custom files for financial subbies who want a personalized hypnosis experience. Inquire at: CallMissKay@yahoo.com Purchase my this file at http://Hypnotic-Mistress.com or my kinkbomb.com studio