I’m going straight to your social media. Don’t you dare give me fake accounts when I ask. I will know immediately and I will fine you $100 per fake account. So, don’t send me a link to a Finsta (a Fake Instagram) or a Fakebook (a Fake Facebook) or a FinkedIn (a Fake Linkedin.) I will glean so much information from your social media, especially the photos. In fact, I will review your social media while we are on a Blackmail Phone Sex call. The more info I have on you, the more I can exploit you for my financial gain.

You should be quivering in fear right now, because I am a hardcore Blackmail Domme. Once I have all the social media details I need, I can choose to make you pay me not to friend you, like you or link you in. You really don’t want me in your socials, do you? Or do you?

I have a Blackmail Contract I want you to sign and I will send it to you. It’s a paid contract. Let’s get started. Nothing in life is free except air, so breathe in, breathe out and realize I’m going to do whatever I wish to do to you. If you want to find out more about my blackmail style, listen to some of my mp3s on the subject. Here is where you can find them.

Blackmail mp3s: I Want Clips studio and Hypnotic Mistress store

Blackmail Phone Sex: I Want Phone and Phone Darlings

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