Taking a few minutes here at Starbucks to update my blog, I want to thank all of my devoted money slaves who sent me sweet Valentine’s gifts, gift cards and generous Tributes. However, if you did not honor me, The Money Domme, on that very important findom holiday, you can make up for your embarrassment by sending a large Tribute. Let me also give you a short update on where these Tributes go. My money needs never take a holiday and neither should you take a holiday from sending Tributes!
At this moment, Tributes will be covering my summer tuition and a new car. I only have $2,600 toward my tuition. That is weak! Each semester runs $7,500 plus books and fees. And I thought I would have my Dodge Charger Hellcat by now, but no, I only have $4,520 in Tributes toward the Hellcat down payment. You know that a Hellcat costs in the $64K – $67K range right? So open your wallets and make my Hellcat happen. Yes, I will be trading in the Camaro toward the Hellcat plus the cash down.
Picture me like sexy Lana del Rey from her Money Power Glory music video. Money raining down. Here is where you CLICK to send your Tribute. (After you CLICK, scroll down to the Tribute buttons.) Watch the Lana del Rey GIF and repeat this money mantra as you Tribute me.
Money Never Takes a Holiday
Never Takes a Holiday
Never Takes a Holiday
Pay Miss Kay
Pay Miss Kay
Pay Miss Kay