13 November, 2023

So many of you blackmail slaves go on a blackmail binge and disappear. This is ridiculous and intolerable. I’m tired of your fickle attitude toward blackmail and disrespect for me as a Blackmail Dominatrix. Now, I will keep you trapped in a never-ending blackmail loop from which there will be no way to escape. However, I am a businesswoman as well as a Dominatrix. I will offer a blackmail buy-out option. And I will accept nothing less. I do not negotiate. The buy-out is not an escape, because you can never really escape your desire to be blackmailed, can you? Remember this:

Blackmail is NOT a game!

Blackmail is NOT for you to merrily jerk off to in a Blackmail Phone Sex Call!

Blackmail IS real!

Blackmail IS permanent!

If you want to disengage from relentless blackmail with me, you will have to pay to do so. If you do not pay, blackmail will continue permanently. This will be your one and only buy-out opportunity: You will give me a $5K Amazon Gift Card as your buy-out fee. If you can’t afford it, too bad, then you shouldn’t be engaging in blackmail anyway. Blackmail is not for financial weaklings.

You may connect with me on Niteflirt or I Want Phone for hardcore blackmail. Consider yourself forewarned about how diabolical I am as a Dominatrix.

If I’m not available live for Blackmail, listen to Blackmail files in my Niteflirt Goodies, in my I Want Clips studio and in my own mp3 emporium – Hypnotic Goddess.

Since October is Locktober where your cock has been locked in chastity or you have been urged NOT to masturbate, November is the reverse – your month of stroking indulgence! However, there are restrictions during Mandatory Masturbation Month:

  1. You can only masturbate to Me!
  2. You must masturbate at least daily!
  3. You must pay Me $10 every time you masturbate!

What will be Mandatory Masturbation Month’s insidious effects over you? Let me tell you… What will happen is that masturbation will become more of a habit for you than ever before. Plus, you will become more addicted to me than ever before which is exactly what I want. And, of course, I want to open my Niteflirt and I Want Phone accounts and see Tribute notices as all my slaves and subs keep sending me $10 after $10 after $10 – ad infinitum. This is because worshiping me and obsessing over me as your Money Domme is going to become your new life. You will not be able to stop masturbating to Me.

You can masturbate to pics of me on my listings, websites or to my sexy files. If you haven’t bought any of my files to listen to while you masturbate, this is a must. I will tell you where you can find my files in a second. First, I want to tell you that you can masturbate to me live during a phone sex call on Niteflirt or I Want Phone.

Second, find my files in my Niteflirt Goodies, my I Want Clips studio or my own store – Hypnotic Mistress.

It’s time for you to abandon your former God and realize that I am your new GOD. I, Miss Kay, am everything. I come before anyone or anything else in your life. No exceptions. Having me as your new GOD will make your pathetic and boring life so much more exciting than it was before. As your one and only deity, you must obey whatever I tell you to do, no matter what.

Know that I am omnipotent and all-powerful. In my religion, my devotees must tithe me large sums of money in forms of Tributes and must sell all belongings and liquidate all assets. Devotees are essentially slaves and slaves cannot possess belongings or assets, financial and otherwise. All the proceeds from the sale or liquidation of these items must be tendered via Tributes to me. In case you haven’t noticed, I now accept Tributes in the form of cryptocurrency. Click on the QR code in the left sidebar of my website to send me a crypto Tribute. GOD expects to have a fat crypto wallet very soon!

Have you been craving a powerful findom experience? An experience that changes your entire world? There is a reason why you have come to the Money Domme and GOD to make this happen. Fate! All your money is mine. Your entire being is mine!

Now, repeat after me 100 times: Miss Kay is GOD. Miss Kay is GOD. Miss Kay is GOD (Keep going, I said 100 times!)

You can also please me by connecting to speak with GOD live on Niteflirt or I Want Phone. Or by buying my mp3s which are featured in my Niteflirt Goodies, in my I Want Clips studio and on my own website – Hypnotic Mistress.